OK, so yes, Wearable Wares new front page is up and running. It functions as more of a portal to all the other sites (the shops and the blogs), rather than just as a shop, as it was before. After much tweaking of the code, I think it's set for now. I think.
Also up now is a page for featured designs that will periodically change. I have some up now for the summer - a couple from The Sketchies Universe and a couple from Hilarity Ensues...
I'll attempt to keep this updated as often as I can... Hopefully more updates to come!
Also - I am hoping to put together a new page filled with pictures of people wearing my designs... have you ever bought one of my t-shirts? If so, it would be awesome if you would take a picture of yourself (posing, if you like) wearing the shirt. Try to keep the design clearly visible in the picture, and please keep it clean and G rated... Otherwise, what you do is up to you. You don't have to have your face (or even head) in the picture if you don't want... clever cropping is equally acceptable. Multiple pics of you in multiple shirts, if you own multiple, is greatly encouraged! Email your pictures to me at wearablewares@gmail.com. Thanks!!!
Also up now is a page for featured designs that will periodically change. I have some up now for the summer - a couple from The Sketchies Universe and a couple from Hilarity Ensues...
I'll attempt to keep this updated as often as I can... Hopefully more updates to come!
Also - I am hoping to put together a new page filled with pictures of people wearing my designs... have you ever bought one of my t-shirts? If so, it would be awesome if you would take a picture of yourself (posing, if you like) wearing the shirt. Try to keep the design clearly visible in the picture, and please keep it clean and G rated... Otherwise, what you do is up to you. You don't have to have your face (or even head) in the picture if you don't want... clever cropping is equally acceptable. Multiple pics of you in multiple shirts, if you own multiple, is greatly encouraged! Email your pictures to me at wearablewares@gmail.com. Thanks!!!